
Background: The primary aim of this article is to focus on mortality rates of diabetes mellitus in China, between males and females in Rural and urban areas of age groups between 0 to 87 years. Design: Mortality review Methods: Comparison of mortality rates of diabetes mellitus in males and females of rural and urban areas. The data were extracted from the book 全国第三次死 因回顾抽样调查报告(quan guo di san ci siyin huigu chouyang diaocha baogao, Results: The overall comparison of males and females mortality rate with diabetes mellitus in rural and urban area provides that the mortality rate of diabetes mellitus in males is higher in urban compare to rural area. Undiagnosed diabetic cases was higher in the rural than in the urban areas, the large of undiagnosed cases of diabetes indicate the lack of public awareness.The overall comparison between males and females mortality rate with diabetes mellitus in both rural and urban areas indicates that the mortality rate of DM is higher in males living in urban areas than compared to rural areas. Furthermore, undiagnosed diabetic cases were higher in the rural areas than in the urban areas due to the huge indication of the lack of public awareness. Conclusion: The mortality rate of diabetes mellitus of all males and females is higher in urban areas.