
Marital relationship begins with challenges and it needs both external and internal adjustments. The individuals with higher emotional intelligence can better aware of their own and others emotions, better handle their relationships; resolve their conflicts as compared to others and able to deal with their marital issue. The present study aimed to investigate whether Emotional Intelligence a predictor to Marital satisfaction among different professionals. The present study was hypothesized that there will be a positive relation between two variables. The sample of the study was 165 professionals consists Doctors, Nurses, Engineers and Teachers with the pre-requisite condition that minimum duration of marital relation should be two years. The age range of participants was 25 to 60 years. Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (1995) was used to assess Marital Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence of the participants was assessed with Schutte’s (1998) Emotional Intelligence Scale. The Pearson’s product moment correlation and regression analysis were used as statistical analysis. Results indicated a significant positive association emerged on correlation, predictor approached significance on regression. Hence, concluded that higher levels of Emotional Intelligence lead to greater marital satisfaction.