
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a noble concept developed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) which was rest upon a solid base of transfer of technology (TOT) from laboratory to farmer's field with respect to Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, and Floriculture. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vyara is located in Tapi, District of south Gujarat working under the administrative control of Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. The village Bahurupa is situated in Nizer block of Tapi district, adjacent to Maharashtra state. It is located 32 km away from block place, 120 km from district place and also from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vyara. In the year 2009 KVK, Vyara has adopted the village Bahurupa for its intensive activities of Transfer of Technologies related to agriculture for increasing agricultural production thereby raise the socioeconomic status of farmers. By the intervention made by KVK team, the status of change in cropping pattern is shown in Table 2 and the status of economics of papaya crop grown by innovative farmers of Bahurupa are presented in Table 3. Before intervention of KVK i.e. up to 2009, most of the farmers were kept their land fellow in summer season due to scarcity of water. So, for earnings they depend upon kharif and Rabi crops. After intervention of KVK, they attracted towards drip irrigation and thereby save 40 per cent of water and also have been made planning of growing crops in summer season. As a result, Table 2 clearly expressed the status change in cropping pattern of farmers of Bahurupa. From, the data it clearly observed that before 2009, maximum area was covered under cotton crop, which gave net return of Rs.28000 per acre. After KVK intervention (2009 onwards), it was noted that in kharif season, maximum area was covered under papaya which provides net earnings of Rs.135000 per acre. By visualizing the success of innovative farmers of Bahurupa, other farmers of adjoining villages are also attracted towards them and ready to adopt the technologies for growing of papaya, banana, watermelon, and muskmelon crops. Due to hard work, live contact, constant follow up, motivation and well communication with Scientist of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, area under growing of papaya, banana, watermelon and muskmelon increases day by day with adoption of new technologies viz., drip irrigation, mulching with plastic paper and Fertigation etc.Looking to the success of innovative farmers of Bahurupa many other young farmers from Nizer block has also started to cultivation of newly introduced crops viz., watermelon, muskmelon etc and also visited to KVK for the guidance of scientific cultivation. Our honourable Vice Chancellor and Director of Research visited those farmers personally and congratulated them by proving shawl, certificate and momentum at their doorstep. This case is enthusiastic to young dynamic farmer of Tapi district and also farmers of Gujarat state. This area is known for cent per cent adoption of drip irrigation, plastic mulching, Fertigation, herbigation, value addition, exporting of horticultural crops and higher net profit among farmers of Gujarat state. The socio economic status of this region is changed drastically. Farmers from Gujarat and also from other neighboring states are coming to visit this area for adopting high recurring Horticultural crops successfully in their region.Background:Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a noble concept developed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) which was rest upon a solid base of transfer of technology (TOT) from laboratory to farmer's field with respect to Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Floriculture. In India, at present 637 KVKs working in different parts of the country. Among them, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vyara is located in Tapi, District of south Gujarat working under the administrative control of Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. In Tapi district, KVK, Vyara have been carried out different extension activities in different villages of five blocks. Beside this, KVK Vyara work very intensively in selected adoptive villages to modify socioeconomic status of farmers of those villages. Among them one of the successful case of the village Bahurupa, is declared herewith. The village Bahurupa is situated in Nizer block of Tapi district, adjacent to Maharashtra state. It is located 32 km away from block place, 120 km from district place and also from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vyara. The total population of the village is around 1700 with 980 male and 720 female. Major segment of the village is under irrigation through tube wells. Papaya cultivation was initiated by this KVK before five years. At present total 400 acres of papaya cultivation in this village only. Total 4000 acres of papaya cultivation in the Nizer block.