As man ages, his quality of life is affected. Age-related diseases too set in and affect the quality of life. Besides, other diseases too may set in and affect him. If the aspects of quality of life which are affected are known, they can be addressed adequately in addition to the treatment of his morbid conditions. To know how quality of life is affected by cardiovascular diseases, in particular, this study was undertaken. To assess and find out what aspects of a patient’s life are affected by chronic cardiovascular diseases, seventy patients suffering from chronic cardiovascular diseases were enrolled in the study. They were interviewed using a modified WHO questionnaire. The findings were analyzed and the aspects of quality of life which were affected were brought out. Microsoft excel format was used to tabulate and summarize the findings. Question – wise analysis of percentage of patients in whom quality of life was affected by chronic cardiovascular disease was done. Cardiovascular diseases affected physical and psychological domains of many patients. Higher percentage of patients had their physical domains affected due to cardiovascular diseases. Many other patients also suffered from psychological disturbances caused by cardiovascular diseases. More focus is needed on the psychological disturbances caused by cardiovascular diseases. Selected patients may be referred for better care of their mental well-being. These steps will enhance the quality of health care and make it more comprehensive.