A joint WHO/FAO expert consultation report on diet, nutrition and prevention of chronic heart diseases, diabetes and cancer sets population nutrient goals and recommends intake of minimum 400 gm of fruits and vegetable per day. The aim of this study was to (1) find out the pattern and amount of consumption of fruits and vegetables among medical students and to (2) indentify Knowledge about fruits and vegetables consumption. The study was conducted among 66 interns and 74 postgraduates by using questionnaire consisting of four sections i.e. demographic characteristics, knowledge and perception towards fruits intake, 24 hour food record form and food frequency questions. Data was analyzed by using SPSS and Binary logistic regression. The average daily consumption of fruits was 155 gm/day and vegetables 190gm/day. Mean consumption of fruits and vegetables was 345 gm/day which is less than 400 gm/day as recommended by WHO, 27.8% respondents consumed 400 gm or more of fruits and vegetables. It was observed that most frequently consumed fruits by the medical students were banana, orange, apple, & mangoes while the most popular vegetables were potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, & beans. Maximum Doctors have good nutritional knowledge i.e. interns 85% and PGs 91%. Logistic regression has shown that category of medical students, age and income have positive relationship with consumption of fruits and vegetables of 400 gm or more. The mean consumption of fruits and vegetables was 345 gm/day which included most commonly consumed fruits and vegetables.