Patala are anatomical part of eye. Total six Patala are mentioned by Shushruta, who is considered as main author of available Shalakyatantra. Among the six two are external known as vartma patala (eyelid) and other four are inside the eyeball, which are sort of debatable in the present platform of modern anatomical knowledge. Maximum number of vision related problems are described under the disease Timira and Patala are the principal site of this disease. Our adaptation to new lifestyles increasing many vision related problems day by day. A proper perception of the disease is essential to search out solution for these problems inside Ayurved. For better interpretation of disease a clear anatomical knowledge is equally important. The four inner Patala are anatomical structure having thickness one fifth of Drishti. Different authors gave different modern comparison for the term Patala, by reviewing the available anatomy along with sign and symptom of disease Timir first patala has been compared with cornea, second with sclera, third with retina and fourth with cortical part of lens along with capsule. So in this study it is tried to search out the cause that leads to difference of opinions and establish a most appropriate clinio-anatomical association for Patala.