Cigarette smoking is a modifiable risk factor but strongly associated to Type II Diabetes Mellitus, cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, hypertension and stroke as well as pulmonary diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Smoking causes activation of sympathetic system and causes acute rise in Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, vascular resistance and cardiac output as well as changes in diabetic profile. While Pranayama is a age long, vedic and ancient method of treatment under yoga, Deep breathing is also known to influence the autonomic functions by decreasing the sympathetic activity and relatively increasing the vagal activity. This study aims to understand if Pranayama has effect in Type II DM. The study was conducted on 64 smokers with Type II DM. They were divided randomly in to two groups with 30 in Pranayama Group and 34 in Deep breathing exercise group. Baseline assessment was done and outcomes were taken. Both the groups received training for 14 days and then advised to practice at home. Outcomes were assessed at the end of 3 months. The unpaired t-test was used for the inter group comparison of the outcomes. There was significant change in the systolic BP, Diastolic BP, HR and RR in both groups but changes in PG were more. There was significant reduction in the SBP, DBP, HR and RR of the subjects who underwent Pranayama and deep breathing exercise; however this change was larger in PG. Pranayama seems to be more effective in reducing sympathetic parameters like SBP, DBP, HR and RR in Type II DM with smoking and prehypertension.