To find out the prevalence of eye diseases, the cause of subnormal vision and to treat as early as possible to prevent blindness in the government school children of Kadapa district, A.P. Under ‘Chinnarichoopu’ a state government programme conducted during 2012-2013. 2,13,838 children in government schools were screened in 3 phases. Among them 5046 children were given glasses for their refractive errors.727 children whose vision did not improved with refractive correction were referred to tertiary eye care center for further management. Out of these only 537 children attended tertiary eye care centre. Out of 5133 children with refractive errors, myopia was the commonest followed by astigmatism and hypermetropia respectively. Out of 5133, 2823 were boys and 2310 were girls. The mean age of the children was 10.5 years. Of the 537children who attended the tertiary eye care center 87 were found to have refractive errors and were prescribed glasses. In the remaining children, there have been: 102 squint, 24 congenital cataract, 38 nystagmus, 17 heredomacular dystrophies, 8 corneal opacities, 7 ptosis, 21 congenital abnormalities, 18 anterior staphyloma, 9 phthisis bulbi cases. Surgery was performed for 67 of these children and low visual aids were given to 17 children. In the total school children, Bitot spots were seen in 2426 children. Uncorrected refractive errors constitute –visual impairment in school children followed by squint and congenital cataract respectively. If surgical procedures are performed at the earliest, we can prevent the children going into amblyopia. Hence, a preschool eye check up will help in early correction of refractive errors and treat preventable blindness in children.