Acute appendicitis is the commonest cause of acute abdomen requiring surgery accounting for 17% of all presentation in the abdominal pain. To identify the pattern of Clinical features of Acute appendicitis and to evaluate and compare the Diagnostic efficacy of Dombal clinical scoring, the laboratory investigations and radiological investigation [USG abdomen] in acute appendicitis. 160 patients of acute appendicitis which were admitted in our institute (MRIMS) over a period of 26 months from January, 2013 to March, 2015 were included in the study. Detailed history with thorough clinical examination and relevant laboratory tests and USG abdomen were done in all the cases. Clinical examination is based on Dombal score. Most frequent symptom was pain starting in periumbilical region and then shifting to RIF in 52%. Diagnosis by Clinical Dombell scoring has 100% sensitivity,98% positive predictive value and 100% negative predictive value where as by laboratory and radiographic diagnosis sensitivity rate is 85.03% and 91.84% respectively. Clinical assessment is the best criteria to reach confident diagnosis compared to laboratory and other radiological investigations and they should be used as diagnostic aid in doubtful cases but they do not replace the clinical examination of the surgeons.