The guiding principle for depigmentation treatment is the patient‟s concern with respect to his/her cosmetic appearance. So, the present study was carried out to determine the efficacy of three different types of non- eugenol periodontal dressings namely Coe-pak, Barricaid and Cyanoacrylate dressings after performing conventional depigmentation. To achieve this aim, the following objectives evaluated post-operatively were colour of the gingiva, area of pigmentation and post-operative pain at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months postoperatively. Area of pigmentation at baseline was measured for all the three groups No repigmentation occurred at one week and one month time period but at 3 month recall, some patches of pigmentation were present which were measured. When post-operative pain was measured, statistically significant results were seen in intra-group comparison from baseline to one week and from one week to 1 month, whereas non-significant results were seen on inter-group analysis between the three dressings at all time points. All the three periodontal dressings demonstrated improvement in the colour of gingiva, area of pigmentation and post-operative pain. Within the limitations of this study, there was no statistical significant difference between the three periodontal dressings