Capital, as one of the most important inputs of production, is so important in increasing production levels of economic activity and then increasing the productivity of other factors of production. Capital and investment are considered as a key element of growth and development in the agricultural sector. Lack of investment in the country's agricultural sector has caused decreasing in the productivity of production inputs. Low productivity causes reduction of expected income of agricultural plans and profitability of these activities and makes them expecting non-economic and high-risky investment. This study is a descriptive survey study in terms of its method due to the use of a questionnaire. The study population society includes agricultural experts of Zanjan province. Delphi questionnaire and AHP questionnaire have been used to achieve the objectives of this study. Firstly, important investment plans in the agricultural sector of the Zanjan province and the main criteria are identified using the Delphi and library methods. After identifying the criteria and study options, hierarchical study model is formed and then the most important factors and options are identified based on the analytical hierarchy process. After designing hierarchical model on paper, the model is entered into the expert choice software and then the rest of the steps up to the results analysis are done in this software. The population included in this part of the study is composed of 30 experts and experts in the relevant subject. In the second part, the determined criteria are ranked based on the objective and the options are ranked based on the criteria using analytical hierarchical process. The population included in this part of the study is composed of 30 experts and experts in the relevant subject. The results of the final weights showed that investment in agriculture is the most important priority of the private sector and then investment in the construction of greenhouse settlements and the replacement of old tractors with new ones are the second and third priorities. The results also showed that investment in the replacement of old tractors with new ones is the most important priority of the government sector and then investment in fishery and construction of greenhouse settlements are the second and third priorities.