This study investigates issues and developments that could obstruct the proper and maximum use of ICT taking into consideration its benefits to language learning activities. The population for the study consists of thirty-six secondary schools with One thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-eight (1288) teachers in Ado-Ekiti. Ten secondary schools were used as the sample. The research instrument was constructed in form of a questionnaire, which consisted of 27 items. Face and content validities were ascertained while test-re-test method was used to establish the reliability coefficient with 0.79 correlation coefficient. This was significant at 0.05 level. It was discovered that series of problems abound in schools which hinder the use of ICT such as inadequate staff in the area of ICT, lack of computer laboratory and inadequate training of teachers. There are inadequate facilities to teach and teachers did not make use of ICT tools in the process of preparation for classroom activities. It is recommended that trainers are needed to train and equip those teachers that are not computer literate so as to avoid the embarrassment that they usually face with the device; also government should give a supportive computer aid to teachers by assisting the schools financially and make computer a compulsory course in all the secondary schools in Nigeria.