A total of 150 diabetic patients were selected retrospectively from Khartoum State Diabetic Care Centers, this group divided to two equal groups, had been analyzed using the knowledge and practice of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients after implementation of health education program. Group (cases) the program was implemented and the other group was considered as a control (75 patients for each group). The aim of the study to evaluate the knowledge and practice of noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients after implementation of health education program. The study showed that there was no significant difference between the cases studied group and controls group regarding sex distribution, age, weight, systolic and diastolic BP, educational level and occupation, level of obesity, and frequency of practicing exercise. The study showed the correct knowledge of the cases studied group before and after the health education program and the different aspects of diabetes mellitus, showed a significant improvement of the patients' knowledge concerning the correct knowledge of the definition of diabetes, type I and type II signs and symptoms of hyper and hypoglycemia, compliance to drug types of treatment dietary management, importance of exercise, complications of diabetes which include: vascular complications, renal complications, eye complications, Cardiac complications, CNS complications, Immune complications, Skin complications and foot complications, fasting and two hours post-prandial blood glucose, blood urea and serum creatinine. The study showed the distribution of obesity before and after the program among the cases studied group, there was significant improvement .Number of patients reduced their weight in our study group during the period of the health education program. In this study population, the educational health program played an important role in treatment and control of non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients.