A total of 150 diabetic patients were selected retrospectively from Khartoum State Diabetic Care Centers, this group divided to two equal groups, had been analyzed using the certain risk factors of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients after implementation of health education program. Group (cases) the program was implemented and the other group was considered as a control (75 patients for each group). The aim of the study to evaluate the correlation between the Health education program and others prognostic factors in non-insulin dependent diabetes Miletus patients which include obesity ,family history of diabetes Miletus, hypertension, smoking and dyslipidemia. The study showed that there was no significant difference between the cases studied group and controls group regarding level of obesity. Mild obesity was found in 38.6% of the intervention group versus 34.7% of the controls, moderate obesity patients were found in 28.7% of the intervention group versus 37.3% of the controls. While sever obesity patients were found in 33.3% of the intervention group versus 28% of the controls. The study showed regarding the history of association conditions among the non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients in both studied groups were taken in the count, 38.67% suffered from hypertension in intervention group and 34.67% for controls, more than half patients were smokers for both intervention and control groups (57.33% for intervention and 61.33%) for controls). For Dyslipidemia, More than 42.67% of patients in intervention group are Dyslipidemia, while 44.00% for controls. 60.00% of intervention patients have family history of diabetes mellitus compared with 53.33% for controls. No significant difference between the intervention and control groups was observed regarding to the associated conditions of the non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. In this study population, the Health education program of noninsulin dependent diabetes Miletus patients its relation with obesity, family history of diabetes Miletus, hypertension, smoking and dyslipidemia determined.