Pregnancy is one of the important events in the life of the women. Women hood to motherhood is a crucial transition to the first time pregnant mothers. When it comes to breastfeeding, it‟s a challenging task to the primigravidae. Knowledge, skill and self-confidence on breastfeeding among primigravidea are the need of the hour. Needs attention and call from health care professionals. To evaluate the effectiveness of Breastfeeding Empowerment Programme (BEP) on knowledge, skill and self-confidence among primigravidae. Randomized pretest-posttest control group design conducted at Sri Ramachandra Hospital, Chennai from June-2008 - December 2009. A total of 300 normal primigravidae had completed 32 weeks of gestation, planned for a delivery at SRH and had anticipated a normal delivery were included. Primigravidae with breast illness or breast disorders, identified as multiple gestation, any co morbid conditions were excluded. After informed consent they were randomly assigned. The sample comprised of 300 primigravidae who were assigned randomly, hundred and fifty (150) to study and hundred and fifty (150) to control for the investigation. Data were analyzed by SPSS version -15 and relevant descriptive, inferential statistics computed for presentation. Preparation of primigravidea mothers during antenatal period had a significant improvement on knowledge about breastfeeding, improvement in skill level, higher level of confidence, decreases the occurrences of breastfeeding engorgement, nipple pain and maintenance of lactation. BEP is one of the best strategies to prepare the primigravidae adequately during antenatal period to have a successful breastfeeding postnatally.