Nature always teaches us and it is necessary to reflect on the first feelings for protecting living creatures of earth. This study was an observation towards common myna family living in city. Many birds used to come across and flew away during our life. But it is high time we need to look at them carefully to understand and emulate behaviour of togetherness. This observation study was held towards parental care where a chick falls off in the balcony of several floor building. The buildings were aesthetically designed and we cannot differentiate it except for the level of floor. The challenge was huge for parents of chick as they tried to protect the young one. The night arrived parents left the chick alone in the balcony. As a kid I shared to my parents not to take away the chick elsewhere, as I believed parent myna will arrive next day. The intuitive feeling of child won next day as both parent myna returned with food to chick. They fed the chick alternatively by overcoming difficulties to trace the balcony once they are out and tried to comeback. They trained for whole day to fly along with chick immediate next day, but failed. The helpless parents only with their instinct succeeded on third day. The first reflection held by me succeeded and felt happy that myna family remained together as per essentiality of nature.