Anaemia is the most common disorder of blood in the world. About 20 % of maternal deaths occur due to anaemia. The WHO report in 2006, the prevalence of anaemia is highest in Africa. The aim of the study were to determine the knowledge and risk factors of anaemia and find out the association between the knowledge and selected demographic variables among pregnant women. A descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge and risk factors of anaemia among the pregnant women attending selected health care facilities in Sebha, Libya. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select sample and it consisted of 60 pregnant women. Data was collected using structured interview schedule. Findings of the study showed that all the subjects (60 ) had moderate knowledge 100% regarding anaemia and no samples come under the category of adequate and inadequate. Regarding the risk factors majority of the subjects 50(83.3%) were exposed to moderate risk and 10 (16.7%) were exposed to high risk and none were exposed to mild risk. There was significant association between occupation of pregnant women and level of knowledge at p<0.05. Findings of the study indicated the need to conduct frequent assessment of knowledge and risk factors of anaemia among the pregnant women. Awareness programmes should be conducted among the pregnant women for their promotion of health