Three aquatic macrophytes, Luffa sp., Pteris fill-mass and Costus afer from four coastal and upland locations (Little Stream, Ibeno estuary, Etim Ekpo and Nwaniba) in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria and tilapia fish were selected to study heavy metals bioaccumulation and their phytodepuration potentials. The macrophytes as well as tilapia fish and water at the same coastal locations were analyzed for 3 heavy metals (Cu, Pb and Fe) concentrations. Results obtained from this study revealed that the water bodies within the study area contained reasonable concentrations of Cu, Pb and Fe. The aquatic plants were observed to contain heavy metal concentrations higher than the surrounding water. It was also found that the degree of heavy metal uptake by the macrophytes differed. A notable observation from this study was that heavy metal pollution was site specific. The socio-economic activities in the study area was also seen to affect the heavy metal concentrations in the environment and consequent uptake by plants and fish found in the different locations. Also, information generated from this study showed that these macrophytes were found to have varying phytodepurative potentials and can thus serve as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution in our aquatic environment.