Postpartum maternal health care is a neglected aspect of women’s healthcare. This neglect is evident in the limited national health objectives and data related to maternal health. The aim of the study were determine the knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers and find out the association between knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers regarding selfcare after childbirth. A descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers regarding self- care after childbirth in selected maternity centres in Madurai. Survey approach was employed to select sample and it consisted of 100 postnatal mothers. Data was collected using structured interview schedule. Findings of the study showed that 46 postnatal mothers had adequate knowledge; 47 had moderately adequate knowledge and 7 postnatal mothers had inadequate knowledge regarding self-care after childbirth. Regarding the attitude majority of the subjects 60 had neutral attitude; 14 had negative attitude; 25 had positive attitude and only one had highly positive attitude. There was a significant association between knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth and education, monthly family income and obstetrical score at p<0.05. Findings of the study indicated the need to conduct frequent assessment of knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers regarding self-care after childbirth. Educational programmes should be conducted among the postnatal mothers for their promotion of health.