Present study was aimed to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding complimentary feeding and Practice of complimentary feeding among Breastfed babies in the age group of 6m-1y. Complimentary feeding practices were assessed using semi structured open ended questionnaire.200 mothers of babies in the age group of 6m-1y attending Pediatric POD were studied over a period of 6months.Their socio-Demographic profile was also collected. Results of the present study shows that, among 200 mothers interviewed 81% were in the age group of 21-30y had poor educational status 33% being illeterates.87% belonged to low socio-economic status. Exclusive Breastfeeding till 6m was given only to 38%.42% started CF at right age of 6m and 45% were giving at right frequency and only 31% gave right quantity. Only 40% were giving appropriate consistency feeds. So overall only 39% mothers were giving CF correctly. Most of them were giving homemade foods.86% felt it was good to withhold or decrease the quantity of CF during illness. To conclude, CF practices were inappropriate and knowledge inadequate in majority of mothers studied. Also the gap between knowledge and practice should be filled with proper interaction and education of mothers and family members.