This study was carried out Khartoum State at Khartoum Isotope Radiation Centre (RICK), to study the methylene tertahydrofloate reductase polymorphism with breast cancer risk, and to compare it with normal population. 96 individuals were included in this study of which 60 patients with breast cancer originating from different ethnic group and part of Sudan, and 36 were women without breast cancer as normal controls. Five ml EDTA blood was taken for hematological parameters. All of our studies patients had low hemglobin level below 10 gm/dl (p-value=0.127) insignificant, and 15% of the patients had thrombocytopenia(less than 150.000/cum) p-value=0.2) insignificant, 50% of the studies group had normal WBCs(4000- 6900), 30% had increased WBC count(more than 7000/cum) ( and 20% had decreased WBC count(less than 4000/cum) Pvalue=0.365)insignificant. 16.7% of breast cancer patients had TC alleles of MTHFR and none of the controls had mutation (Chi sequre test=6.96. P.value=0.01), the results showed highly significant of the TC mutation compared with normal controls. The majority of the breast cancer patients whom had TC alleles were women under 40 years, and this could be risk of having breast cancer. High frequency of breast cancer had been observed among northern State.