This study was conducted to determine the rate and to identify risk factors for neonatal mortality at Misurata Central Hospital, Libya. A descriptive, retrospective hospital-based study was conducted during the period from January through December 2012. The records of the newborn admitted to the neonatal unit were reviewed. The information retrieved were age, sex of baby, gestational age, parity of mother, maternal illness, and date and cause of death. Total infants delivered were 6520, 795 (12.1%) were admitted to the SCBU. Causes of admission were low birth weight [LBW] 210 (26.4%), infection 190 (23.8%), asphyxia 79 (9.9%). The neonatal mortality rate was 1.2%. Early neonatal death rate was 1.1%. Causes of deaths were prematurity (30; 37.5%), birth asphyxia (16, 20%), infection (15, 18%) congenital malformations (8, 10%) and other reasons (11, 13.7%). Maternal factors contributed for 45 (56%) of the neonatal deaths. These were: rupture of the membrane (16, 20%) antepartum hemorrhage (10, 12.5%), infections (9, 11.2%), pre-eclampsia (3, 3.7%) and others (8.7%) accounted.