The present study is to compare burden on caregivers of patients with bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) and alcohol dependence syndrome (ADS). The present study is a cross sectional hospital based comparitive study which is conducted in in-patient department of psychiatry, Mamata medical college, Khammam, Telangana. Study period is from Sep 2015 to Aug 2016. The study sample consisted of 60 patients with BPAD and their care givers, 70 patients with ADS and their care givers. The tools used are Family burden interview schedule (FBIS), Severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire (SADQ), ICD-10 criteria for diagnosis. Statistical analysis was done using chi square test. Care givers of BPAD and ADS patients experienced significant burden but there is no statistically significant difference in burden experienced by them. In care givers of BPAD, burden is more in depressive patients than in maniac patients and the correlation is statistically significant. Burden was significantly more with care givers of severe ADS patients than in mild and moderate ADS patients. CONCLUSION: The study suggests need for sensitization of psychiatrists to evaluate and treat the care givers of patients with any psychiatric illness like BPAD and ADS.