Thyroid cancer is relatively uncommon and accounting for only 1% of all reportable malignancies. The present study was aimed to understand the management of most differentiated thyroid carcinomas. The observation in 126 patients of thyroid neoplasia showed that the incidence of thyroid neoplasia is 49.21%. Thyroid adenoma constitute 39.8% Carinoma constitute 10.15% among various thyroid diseases. Majority of patients belong to the age group of 21 – 30 years. Age group for maximal incidence of carcinoma is 31 – 40 years. Duration of symptoms for adenomas varied from 6 months to 7 years. Majority presented between 6 months to 2 years. The commonest presenting symptom with which all the cases have presented is swelling in front of lower part of neck. Commonest histological type of benign neoplasm is follicular adenoma constituting about 93.13% cases. Commonest histological type of carcinoma is papillary carcinoma which is contributing to the 58.3% of cases. Hemithyroidectomy or lobectomy was done according to the site of the location of the follicular adenoma. All the cases have been followed up for varying periods during these two and half years of study. The present series suggests that surgery for thyroid neoplasia is a safe procedure with few treatable complications.