Portal vein tumor thrombosis is one of the common complications of advanced HCC. It is considered as an aggressive form of disease and a poor prognosis compared to patient with HCC alone. According to Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer Staging(BCLC) which is widely used mainly in western part of the world, HCC with PVTT (Portal Vein Tumor Thrombosis) treatment falls directly under the category of sorafenib. Different author has classified PVTT according to their location and treatment modalities are being suggested accordingly. We have used classification proposed by Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan(LCSGJ) which comprises of Vp0, Vp1, Vp2, Vp3 and Vp4. In this article we discuss about a case that has been treated in our hospital. This patient had a right liver tumor with Vp4 PVTT. She underwent dual treatment of right hepatectomy with tumor thrombectomy and TACE in follow up and survived nearly for 2 years.