he Unani system of medicine owes its origin in Greece and it was developed by Arabs into an elaborated medical sciences. The principal source of drugs in Unani system of medicine is plant origin drugs. A survey was conducted to study the diversity of medicinal plants in the Western Ghats region of Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. The study mainly focused on medicinal plants which are used in the Unani system of Medicine. The present paper deals with the 60 medicinal plants of 54 genera belonging to 35 families. Based on the distribution status of the Unani medicinal plants it is categorized as common or rare and endangered. The plants falls under the rare, endangered category are recommended for germplasom collection and also initiated to take up cultivation and propagation activities through the modern Agronomical techniques. Further the extensive field studies may help to the discovery of new plant species used in the Unani system of medicine for the betterment of health care needs