The aim of our study is to analyze the epidemiological, clinical profile and laboratory features of patients with TBM in Gandhi medical college, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, according to ―Thwaites‘ diagnostic index and to determine the predictive value of mortality. The subjects of this retrospective study are the patients with TBM who were followed up between years 2014 March to August 2015. Diagnosis of TBM was based on epidemiological, clinical and laboratory features. 12 patients were confirmed with TBM among 100 suspected cases. In confirmed TBM cases, the average age of the patients was 20-29 years of which 58% were males, 42% were females. Demographic distribution of confirmed TBM cases, 83.3% cases belonged to rural areas, while 16.6% of them belonged to urban areas. Socioeconomic statuses of the confirmed TBM cases, 75% cases belonged to lower socioeconomic status. The most common clinical presentation were fever (91.6%) and neck stiffness followed by headache (83.3%). CSF examination showed increased protein (83.3%) and lymphocytic pleocytosis (100%), low levels of glucose (66%). Among the total patients, HIV co infection seen in 7 (58.3%) cases, out of which 6 were males and 1 female. Case fatality rate in TBM confirmed cases was 25% among which 66.6% were females. The diagnosis of TBM is still based on clinical features along with the laboratory findings. Early diagnosis by suspecting TBM may prevent therapeutic delay and may result in decrease in the morbidity and mortality.