The study analysed organic farming technology adoption by maize farmers in selected local government areas of Benue State, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 71 maize farmers, who were selected from the three agricultural development project zones of the state (Zones A, B and C) by using multi-stage, purposive, stratified and random sampling techniques. The data collected were analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of this study showed that majority (67.9%) were between 31 and 50 years old. The respondents were also predominantly male (69.0%). Most of the respondents (73.2% ) were married, and possessed formal education (74.7%). The most (96.6%) available organic fertilizer to maize farmers was the practice of crop rotation. The major source of organic fertilizer to the farmers is home and farm wastes (93.0% ). The analysis further revealed that the usage of animal droppings (t =-3.232), poultry litter (t = 2.85), crop bran (t =2.076), manufactured organic fertilizers (t = -2.044), green manure (t = -2.738) and bush fallowing (t = 3.285) significantly affected the yield of maize farmers. The major categories of factors found to constitute major constraint to adoption of organic farming technologies were edaphic factors (factor 1) socio-politico-economic factors (factor 2) and managerial factors (factor 3). The respondents were knowledgeable in crop rotation ( ). The strongest perception of the respondents about organic fertilizers was crop rotation helps in increasing soil fertility ( = 4.36). The most adopted organic farming technology by maize farmers was green manure (98.6%). The major source of information on organic fertilizers to the respondents was friends/neighbours/relations ( ). The socio-economic characteristics that significantly affected the adoption of organic fertilizers by maize farmers included sex (W = 4.015), household size (W = 7.797) and farming experience (W = 2.833). Based on these findings, it is recommended that farmers be given skill-based training on how to make compost, farm yard manure and on the general principles of organic farming. In addition, organic fertilizer plants should be established by the government and the private sector in Benue State to ensure continuous availability of manufactured organic fertilizers.