Due to the rapid clearing property by its short duration kinetic property, anesthetic propofol has been considered as one of the best preferred intravenous (IV) anesthetic especially for surgeries. Propofol also shows some antiemetic properties. Propofol is also considered as one of the best agent for induction in LMA(laryngeal mask airway) insertion. Sevoflurane is a new halogenated anesthetic with high volatile nature. Thus, it is also called as volatile anesthetic. Sevoflurane is characterized by relatively low blood-gas partition coefficient. This helps in emergence and faster induction of stable hemodynamics. Sevoflurane is considered to be very pleasant to inhale and is a better inhalation choice of agent in pediatrics. To compare the frequency of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV). To compare the recovery profile of propofol and sevoflurane based anesthesia and report the same. Recovering time by the time taken for the patient to open the eyes after surgery was recorded to be 9.9±1.7 in sevoflurane group and 7.5±1.6in group b, I.e propofol group. Time taken by the patient for making simple verbal command was recorded to be 8.9±1.7 minutes in group A and 7.5±1.6in group B. exubation of the patient was observed to be 7.5±1.6 in group A and 8.7±1.9 in group B. and other satisfactory scores of both the groups and side effects have been analysed and represented in table 2 and table 3. From the study it is clear and can be concluded that, the levels of satisfaction is high in patients with propofol in comparison with sevoflurane. Various outcome measures also show that propofol is preferable to sevoflurane with its minimal side effects. And steps are alsways required for preventing the side effects from use of sevoflurane.