Pelvic masses are usually identified either through clinical examination or through USG examination of pelvis for symptoms caused by the mass or incidentally. The present study to evaluate the relative role of USG and MRI in evaluation of pelvic lesions, and compare them with clinical outcome or operative findings. A Prospective Study was conducted on 50 Patients in the Department of Radiology, Government Medical college and Hospital, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. Descriptive statistical analysis has been carried out in the present study. MRI is a costlier modality and is not readily available. USG (TAS and TVS) remains the cost effective primary imaging modality for the evaluation of a clinically suspected pelvic lesion. So ultrasonography is the modality for screening female pelvic lesions in clinically suspected cases and MRI is used in screened patients for confirming the diagnosis, when there is diagnostic dilemma and for staging and treatment planning in case of malignancies. So MRI and USG provide valuable adjunct in pre and post-operative evaluation of female pelvic lesions.