Introduction: Chronic alcoholism can mimic or complicate any psychiatric syndrome to the extent that, at times, it is difficult to accurately diagnose the patient’s condition. The psychiatric symptoms that arise during the course of alcohol use disorder are the most frightening to the patient and to those around him. Care should also be taken to avoid mistakenly diagnosing a more serious condition (e.g. schizophrenia), as both diseases run a different course & prognosis. This study was undertaken to identify factors like dependence severity, family history & personality profile that may be associated with psychotic disorder due to alcohol use. Aims: A Case-control study of the cross-sectional type was designed to identify and compare the factors associated with the emergence of psychotic disorder in persons with Alcohol dependence syndrome, currently abstinent (F10.2) with those of Psychotic disorder due to alcohol use. Methodology. The study group comprised of those suffering from the psychotic disorder due to alcohol use and the control group of alcohol dependence syndrome without psychotic features these scales were administered to both study and control gropus , Addiciton severity Index (ASI),Proforma for Family history of Psychosis, Proforma for socio-demographic data, AUDIT questionnaire (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test). Results: Significant p value was noted with family history of psychosis, sucicidal ideation, suicide attempts and number drinks when compared with the control group. The frequency of inability to control alcohol intake by the patients of both groups was similar. No Frequent guilt feeling after drinking developed in both groups, but the difference between the two groups is not significant. When the frequencies of blackouts in both groups were compared, no significant difference was noted. Conclusion: Persons with severe alcohol dependence are at risk of developing psychotic features. Family history of psychosis predisposes alcohol dependent patients for development of psychotic features. Suicidal ideations and attempts are common in psychotic disorder due to alcohol use compared to alcohol dependence syndrome. Patients consuming more amount of alcohol per occasion are at risk of developing psychotic features. Medical illnesses are common among psychotic disorder due to alcohol use compared to alcohol dependence syndrome