Background of the study: This study was carried out to find out the awareness about prevention of female foeticide among antenatal women in Sagar. My rationale is that: some womens don?t knowledge regarding female foeticide and unawareness. These women may be not aware of the importance of girl child. They can believe that girl child is the burden for the family. Almost all women think that son is better than the girl child. Problem statement: A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of female foeticide among antenatal women in selected hospital of sagar city. Objectives of the study: (1) To assess pretest level of knowledge of antenatal women regarding female foeticide. (2) To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on prevention of female feoticide among antenatal women. (3) To find out the association between pre test knowledge score with their selected demographic variable. Methods: Pre experimental one group pretest post test design, an evaluatery pre-experimental research approach was used to find out the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on prevention of female foeticide among antenatal women. The sample consisting of 60 women. They were chosen by convenient purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted at BhogyodayTirth Hospital of Sagar City. Results: The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The knowledge gained through planned teaching programme was good as it was evidence with a highly significant difference between the mean post test (25.35) and pre test (19.18) knowledge score. „t? test value is 22.33, p= 0.001 so it was significant. There was a significant association between the pre-test knowledge score with all demographical variables. Conclusion: The planned teaching programme delivered through audio-visual material was found to be an effective strategy for providing information and for improving the knowledge of women. It was well appreciated and accepted by the women. The more researches on prevention of female foeticide in antenatal women will find better outcome for community..