2277 - 3282
2277 - 3290
Journal of Science
Post-doctoral Research Associate, Laboratory for Transplantation Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Department of Surgery, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
Associate Professor and Hospital Superintendent, Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (T.V.C.C.) JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India-362001.
Professor & Head, Dept. of Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College, Anand, Gujarat, India-388001.
Professor, Dept. of Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary College, Anand, Gujarat, India-388001.
Assistant Professor, Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (T.V.C.C.) JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India-362001.
The stent used in clinics is broadly classified on the basis of a number of different parameters, however organ based classification is considered in the current part of review literature. A huge amount of literature related to the stenting using animal models available in PubMed has been reviewed over the last 10 years to draw the trend in development and usage of stent in various animal models. This shows that the rate of development in biomedical models is not implemented in clinics due to less awareness and expertise. We hope that the data gathered and sorted in current review may provide a clue to solve the issue of translation of this novel technique.
4 , 7 , 2014
437 - 445