2277 - 3282


2277 - 3290


Journal of Science

Author / Afflication
Srinivasulu V

Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
T.G.Dinesh Krishna

Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
P.Chinakoteswara Rao

Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
IEC ,patient satisfaction ,patient care ,

Introduction: In any public sector despite of private or government, public satisfaction is the major factor that reflects the quality of service of a particular sector. While coming to hospitals which are dealt with public safety and healthy life measures, patient satisfaction is major tool for assessing the quality of service provided by the particular health care sector. In this mean, patient satisfaction refers to the result of overall situations faced by the patient in the hospital. Aims and Objectives: Present study is aimed to assess the patient satisfaction in a tertiary care hospital especially in surgical department. By this study, the management can be aided for making better interventions for improving patient care. Materials and Methods: Study was designed to be prospective cross sectional study which was processed by direct interaction with individual patient who visited the hospital during the study period. Prior to startup of the study, a questionnaire was adopted by collected various patient satisfaction questionnaires from various sites online. A well designed protocol of the study was submitted to Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) and approval was obtained. Results and Discussion: About 117 patients have been distributed and collected with the patient satisfaction questionnaire. It was noted from the analysis that about more than 80% of the patients were very satisfied by the hospital service, in various parameters like nurse service and response, doctor’s availability, doctor’s politeness, overall treatment given, explaining of medications, explaining the patient about surgical procedure and discharge counseling. About 81.19% were very satisfied with nurse service. Conclusion: It can be reported from the study conducted in RVS Multi-specialty Hospital that more than 75% of patient population visiting the surgical department of the hospital were very satisfied by the hospital’s service. However, regular assessment of patient satisfaction should be done in all the departments of the hospital for better interventional buildup of the health care service.

Volume / Issue / Year

7 , 12 , 2017

Starting Page No / Endling Page No

378 - 380