2277 - 3282
2277 - 3290
Journal of Science
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, RVS Nagar, Tirupathi Road, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh 517127, India.
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, RVS Nagar, Tirupathi Road, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh 517127, India.
Aim and Objectives: To study the safety and efficacy of oxytocics like oxytocin and methyl ergotamine in maternal women in all stages of labour and also to compare the rate and extent of side effects respective t drug used. The main objective of the study was to compare most popularly used uterotonics in obstetrics and gynecology. For learning the safety and efficacy with the main use of methyl ergotamine and oxytocin for induction of labour, along with prevention of PPH in all the groups of patients. Methods and Materials: The preset study was carried out in private and government multi-specialty and tertiary care hospitals in and around Chennai and Chittoor, India, for a period of around 6 months during the academic year of 2017 and 2018. Permission for the study was brought from institutional ethics committee (IEC) and review board members, especially for the departments of obstetrics and gynecology. Women with low-risk or no-risk pregnancy, primiparous or multiparous women with no previous history of surgical delivery and no complications during past deliveries, singleton gestations, age of pregnant women ≥ 36 weeks (equivalent to less than or equals 3 weeks)Result: The duration of labour was also calculated in both the groups ad the mean time for delivery was found to be less than 7 minutes in both the groups. About 32% of oxytocin group have accounted for 12 minutes of mean delivery time, whereas, it was 21% in women of methyl ergotamine group. The p value was observed to be > .07 and was significant when between the two groups. 200ml of blood loss was observed in large number of people but in same number in both the groups, and women reported with more than or equal to 500ml of blood loss after labor were also of same number approximately in both the groups. Discussion: As high commonness of blood loss with PPH as been reported with use of low doses of oxytocin, in the present study the dose of oxytocin was taken from 5 IU to 10 IU for estimating the earl outcomes and safety of oxytocin. In admiration of mean age, the study groups were highly comparable. About all the cases of oxytocin and ergotamine, have accounted with duration of delivery with less than 6 minutes in the 3rd stage of labour. Members accounted with 10minutes of duration of labor was seen in 35% of oxytocin group and 20% of methyl ergotamine groups respectively. Conclusion: Thus, from the above discussion, it is concluded that, both ergotamine and oxytocin are equal efficacy and safety in management of blood loss with PPH. But, the side effects like leg cramps, chest pain, vomiting was significantly more in group treated with methyl ergotamine than in group treated with oxytocin, showing that oxytocin has more safety profiles when compared to methyl ergotamine in obstetrics and gynecology. There was no significant changes between both the groups in regard with management of length of labor, fall in Hb levels, blood loss. The cases of retention of placenta was also almost the same in both the cases.
7 , 12 , 2017
387 - 390