2277 - 3282


2277 - 3290


Journal of Science

Author / Afflication
Mohan Kumar G

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Prabhakar Reddy Y

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Arun Kumar B

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Kandavadivel M

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, RVS Institute of Medical Sciences, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Antibiotics ,Prescription ,Health care ,

Introduction: It is demonstrated in several studies that use of antibiotics has been increased worldwide. In concern of inappropriate or unnecessary prescription of antibiotics estimation of sub-optimal prescribing of antibiotics were done. Besides increase of economic burden by using unnecessary or inappropriate antibiotic use, the overall increase in health care cost, irreversible health damage, and injudicious use of antibiotics are of great interest. Resistance to antibiotics is on other hand with leading problem in health care sector, which was studied ad analysed by using various population mathematical models by Austin Materials and Methods: The study was designed to be a prospective study which was carried out in a tertiary health care sector – RVS Multi-specialty Hospital, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study was designed with a appropriate protocol and the protocol was submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). After getting positive opinion from the members of IRB, the study was started, which was doe for a specific period of time between 2017-2018.Results and Discussion: During the study period between 2017-18 in RVS Multi-specialty Hospitals, around 250 cases have been noted with antibiotics prescribed. All the cases have been collected from the medicine department and analysed with all the available data. I 250 cases 25 patients were found to be under 12 years of age, 65 were between 12-30 years, 108 have fell between 30-60 years and 52 were aged more than 60 years. In 250 cases 135 were of men and the remaining 115 were of women. Conclusion: It was observed from the study that the choice of antibiotic has differed from physician to physician based on the age and clinical condition of the patient. Patient surveillance study is the best choice for evaluating the use of any drug dose ad prescribing pattern in a health care sector. Which can be ad should be conducted monthly ward supply wise and from the medicine department. From the study it can be stated that a national based guidelines on antibiotic use is required though state wise guidelines from different health care sectors are available for better management and overcoming the resistance of antibiotics.

Volume / Issue / Year

7 , 12 , 2017

Starting Page No / Endling Page No

399 - 401